How to Make Blog Articles Appear on Top Page

How to Get Your Blog to Appear at the Top of Searches

Creating a blog can appear at the first page of google is a goal of a blogger. Articles that can nangkring first page of google is certainly going to bring many visitors to the Blog. Moreover the page page article uses a much searched keyword. 

The fact that until now happens is, search engines are still the main tool for visitors to find a searchable information. Whether it's through a Google engine searh, yahoo, or Bing. 

With the emergence of articles on the first page of google, it is certain that your blog or website will be flooded with visitors. The selection of niche or blog topics is also big, more and more are looking for more and more blog visitors.

But the reverse, if the topic that you discuss a little interested, even though the blog article on the first page still will get a little visitors. Therefore determining the right blog topic will determine the future of the blog.

For a beginner blogger, for the article can appear at the first page of google search engine takes hard work and a decent time. Because google also takes time to crawl the blog. To overcome this, I will give tips for blog articles appear first page google without the need for optimization. Especially for beginner bloggers are still in the process of introducing blogs. So with the appearance of a blog article at the first page of google, at least you've proved to google that your blog has a new article and different from the others. This will make it easy for the future when you start thinking about earnings from blogs through adsense.

Now we go to the discussion, for a new blog that has a topic with a lot of enthusiasts will be very difficult compete search engine, even your blog will sink far behind back google. So, the following tips will make your article appear at the first page of google though without doing an optimization.

How do I get my blog posts to appear on homepage?

The main requirement that you should do if you want to display the first page of google is to register the blog to Google Webmaster Tools to indexed by google.Setelah you register please do the following tips so that you have an article that appears first page google. These tips are only for beginner bloggers who do not know the optimization, and the goal is only to display the first google artike first page. Not to capture a lot of visitors. 

1) Create articles with a small amount of competition
Like what I have done first, the first time blogging will certainly mengalamai whose name dilemma in making the article. If you create an article about A will be a lot of competitors, if you make an article about B a little interested.

Nothing wrong if you write articles that many competitors, tpi I suggest that a little patience first. Not yet a beginner blogger has been thinking about the traffics of many blogs while regular writing articles just have not done.

Here I suggest to write an article with a little competition, you can start by writing what is around you. Starting about places, activities of a community, schools etc. Although the article a little interested, at least the article is still there that search through google. 

What I used to do was write about my village. And will definitely be in first position. If you have successfully displayed the first page artike, it means your blog already has a special place hearted google, from here you can continue if you want to write about a topic that much sought. 

2) Create a chain article
Creating a personalized chain article in my opinion is also quite effective for blogs can compete at the first page of google. A serial article is a technique where the author creates an article with one keyword but can be developed into several articles. 

So with one keyword + many articles will be able to compete search engine. With this technique also provides its own advantages, visitors will be more comfortable to linger with the number of articles with the same discussion. 

For example, the keyword I use is "Accepted Adsense full Approve", from this keyword we can develop into a chain article with the title:

How to google adsense list to be received full approve Requirement to be accepted google adsense full approveRecret to get google adsense full approveditaccept google adsense full approve after 11 times rejection 

And still can be developed as much as possible. Despite having the same keywords, do not let between articles with each other have the same content. 

3) Avoid copy paste
I do not know how big the relationship between copy and paste article with articles appear at the first page of google. What is clear if you have copy and paste articles, the competition to grab the position on the first page of google will not survive. 

Even will be bad for blogs. If you have copas articles that appear on the first page, then the original author finds and knows that the article is duplicated. Authors can report your blog, until the blog you manage suspended alias deleted.

Making the article appear at the first page of google is very promising to get visitors. But remember that there are all stages, especially for beginner bloggers. You must be aware of the position, so you know what you should do first. Not a few beginner bloggers who are already thinking about traffic, income etc. While the article is still in the count of fingers. Fellow novice bloggers, let us multiply articles useful for readers.

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