How to Get Google AdSense Approval Fast in 2018
Okay in my article i will give you Information How to Get Google AdSense Approval Fast - In order to be accepted Adsense is sometimes quite difficult for some people, but the post is eligible. Are you one of them?
Do not worry, here we will discuss what the cause and the solution. You do not need to think extra to understand this writing, because we make it easy to digest.
Most of those who register Adsense have the same reason, which is making money from the internet.
Therefore, having an Adsense account is one of the dreams of every blogger. But, the road is not always smooth, there are difficult things that we must go through.
All that is because the Google do strict screening for new account submissions in order to receive Adsense. Because not a few are trying to cheat, so they process it quite thoroughly.
But all can run smoothly if in accordance with the provisions of Adsense. The key, follow the rules of the host.
There are several things you need to do so that Adsense application can be approved soon.
Here are some common questions commonly asked people who want to register Adsense, whether one of them including your question?
Most of those who register Adsense have the same reason, which is making money from the internet.
Therefore, having an Adsense account is one of the dreams of every blogger. But, the road is not always smooth, there are difficult things that we must go through.
All that is because the Google do strict screening for new account submissions in order to receive Adsense. Because not a few are trying to cheat, so they process it quite thoroughly.
But all can run smoothly if in accordance with the provisions of Adsense. The key, follow the rules of the host.
There are several things you need to do so that Adsense application can be approved soon.
Here are some common questions commonly asked people who want to register Adsense, whether one of them including your question?
How do I list Google Adsense? Is my blog eligible to sign up for Adsense?
What are the requirements to sign up for Google Adsense?
Why Adsense refuse my application?
What should I do if Adsense is rejected?
Okay, all your questions will be answered with details on this paper. This paper is quite long, so find a comfortable sitting position and a glass of coffee. If you have a spouse ask for dipijitin, hehe
Why Adsense So Interested?
Google Adsense is one of the PPC that can be said senior company PPC. Adsense always pays on time publishers. It also has thousands of advertisers who are happy with their services.
One of the reasons why choose Adsense, because we can have a chance to make money big enough. But if do it the right way.
Nowadays it's no secret there are many bloggers including in Indonesia who have a considerable income from Google Adsense. So Adsense can be a major choice among existing PPC programs.
Adsense also provides high pay for the conversion of existing ads on the blog, this could be the reason why Adsense is quite popular.
But unfortunately not everyone who signed up in accordance with the provisions, so the Adsense apply strict rules. There are several reasons why your account is not accepted by Adsense alias denied.
Here are 12 common reasons experienced publisher, why the Google Adsense party does not approve the new account application:
1. Insufficient Content
Why Adsense So Interested?
Google Adsense is one of the PPC that can be said senior company PPC. Adsense always pays on time publishers. It also has thousands of advertisers who are happy with their services.
One of the reasons why choose Adsense, because we can have a chance to make money big enough. But if do it the right way.
Nowadays it's no secret there are many bloggers including in Indonesia who have a considerable income from Google Adsense. So Adsense can be a major choice among existing PPC programs.
Adsense also provides high pay for the conversion of existing ads on the blog, this could be the reason why Adsense is quite popular.
But unfortunately not everyone who signed up in accordance with the provisions, so the Adsense apply strict rules. There are several reasons why your account is not accepted by Adsense alias denied.
12 Things to Do Before Applying for Google AdSense
General Reasons Why Adsense Submission Is DeniedHere are 12 common reasons experienced publisher, why the Google Adsense party does not approve the new account application:
1. Insufficient Content
Usually this happens on a blog that does not have enough writing. Prior to approval, Google will check first on the content of the blog submitted.
If the blog has only a few words and sentences that are difficult to understand, the blog will usually be rejected.
In addition to the sentence that must match the rules of writing or grammar if the article in English, the article on the blog must also be homemade, not Copas.
Not only does the content have to match the applicable writing rules, but the content is intended for the reader's convenience.
2. Display Blog Not Look
A few years back, we often find blogs that look less comfortable views. Usually in terms of color too flashy, or buttons are excessive.
But fortunately now it's rare such blogs appear in first place, if there is of course users will not open it again.
So, blogs with a bad look and make visitors uncomfortable, usually Google Adsense will reject it.
Make a blog with a view as comfortable as possible, although minimalis no problem, which is important pleasing to the eye.
3. No Privacy Policy Page, About Us or Contact
Usually in the forums many who complain because his blog is not approved by Adsense. Once checked, it turns out his blog does not have a page that is required by the Adsense.
There are several pages that must be created on the blog and it is mandatory, before applying for Adsense acceptance. These pages are privacy policy, about, and contacts.
But usually there are other pages that need to be added. Such as a disclaimer, sitemap or sitemap, if possible is better made only, so there is no reason they refuse.
4. Blog Not Fulfill Google Adsense Policy Terms
Blogs that do not have content that contains, not interesting so that no visitors coming from search engines, could be the reason rejected Adsense.
In addition, the amount of content is also one factor does not meet the Adsense policy, coupled with inadequate navigation.
Add some quality content instead of copies. Do not forget to include navigation, such as table of contents, contacts, about, and so forth.
Apart from content and navigation factors, other things are the origin of visitors who come to the blog also needs to be considered. The source is not from an illegal source.
Other causes can be due to excessive keywords or poor template code structure.
Things To Do Before Signing Up To Be Accepted Adsense
accepted adsense
1) Write a Qualified Article
What is required before applying and being accepted Adsense is to create quality content. This is the most important thing for you to do.
The reason is quite simple, because by presenting quality content is sure visitors will love it and automatically Google likes it.
For blogs that you submit will be done manually by Adsense team checks, so this is the reason why the content should give priority to visitors.
Content is said to be of quality if:
If the blog has only a few words and sentences that are difficult to understand, the blog will usually be rejected.
In addition to the sentence that must match the rules of writing or grammar if the article in English, the article on the blog must also be homemade, not Copas.
Not only does the content have to match the applicable writing rules, but the content is intended for the reader's convenience.
2. Display Blog Not Look
A few years back, we often find blogs that look less comfortable views. Usually in terms of color too flashy, or buttons are excessive.
But fortunately now it's rare such blogs appear in first place, if there is of course users will not open it again.
So, blogs with a bad look and make visitors uncomfortable, usually Google Adsense will reject it.
Make a blog with a view as comfortable as possible, although minimalis no problem, which is important pleasing to the eye.
3. No Privacy Policy Page, About Us or Contact
Usually in the forums many who complain because his blog is not approved by Adsense. Once checked, it turns out his blog does not have a page that is required by the Adsense.
There are several pages that must be created on the blog and it is mandatory, before applying for Adsense acceptance. These pages are privacy policy, about, and contacts.
But usually there are other pages that need to be added. Such as a disclaimer, sitemap or sitemap, if possible is better made only, so there is no reason they refuse.
4. Blog Not Fulfill Google Adsense Policy Terms
Blogs that do not have content that contains, not interesting so that no visitors coming from search engines, could be the reason rejected Adsense.
In addition, the amount of content is also one factor does not meet the Adsense policy, coupled with inadequate navigation.
Add some quality content instead of copies. Do not forget to include navigation, such as table of contents, contacts, about, and so forth.
Apart from content and navigation factors, other things are the origin of visitors who come to the blog also needs to be considered. The source is not from an illegal source.
Other causes can be due to excessive keywords or poor template code structure.
Things To Do Before Signing Up To Be Accepted Adsense
accepted adsense
1) Write a Qualified Article
What is required before applying and being accepted Adsense is to create quality content. This is the most important thing for you to do.
The reason is quite simple, because by presenting quality content is sure visitors will love it and automatically Google likes it.
For blogs that you submit will be done manually by Adsense team checks, so this is the reason why the content should give priority to visitors.
Content is said to be of quality if:
- The content is unique not the result of copy paste
- Has a title that corresponds to the article and subtitles
- The sentence is in accordance with the applicable rules, if English is grammar and there are no spelling errors
- The article is long enough
- Helpful and informative
2) Create a Privacy Page / Privacy Policy
Usually this is the most common mistake made by new bloggers who sign up Adsense. For this privacy page is important enough on the blog that will follow the Adsense program. Because if no privacy page is found, it is likely that submission will be rejected.
Adsense requires this and with the privacy page means you show the seriousness in running their program.
For the privacy page itself is useful to convey information to visitors, about what will be in can from blog. Besides what is not and should be done.
If you have trouble creating a privacy page, can make it with privacy policy generator online.
3) Create an About About Page
Just as important as the privacy page, for this page also needs to be on the blog. If your blog is a personal blog, it means explaining about yourself and what content is covered.
Although your blog is not used to sign up for Adsense, but this page is quite important to have on the blog. So add a page about or about, in order to minimize the possibility of being denied Adsense.
Pages on not only help when registering Adsense, but also will provide trust and establish relationships with readers.
4) Create a Contact Page
Everyone has different opinions, of course also on the existing content on your blog. With this page they can easily contact you.
Whether it's not like the writing or related material that is on the blog like the picture. So you can know what the reader wants.
Create a contact page and also include the same email address with the email to sign up for Adsense. Additionally also add links pointing to your social media account.
This shows your seriousness to the Adsense in presenting content that interests visitors. So at any time visitors can contact you through the contact page.
5) Include your Name and Email in Blog
Do not forget to add your name and email address on a page that is easy to see, such as about pages and contacts.
So the Google Adsense team that checks will know if the blog is really yours, not spam. This will also speed up the process of verifying the submission to be accepted Adsense.
6) Number of Posts
Actually there is no definite provision, how many minium articles to submit accepted Adsense. Because there are some people who filed, with the number of posts more than 300 articles, but rejected. But there are also blogs that have a number of posts less than 9 even accepted.
So there is no minimum number of definite articles on the blog, but we can predict it. In order to receive adsense without rejection, create an article at least 20 posts of good quality. For each article a minimum of 600 words.
Things that should be in the post:
Usually this is the most common mistake made by new bloggers who sign up Adsense. For this privacy page is important enough on the blog that will follow the Adsense program. Because if no privacy page is found, it is likely that submission will be rejected.
Adsense requires this and with the privacy page means you show the seriousness in running their program.
For the privacy page itself is useful to convey information to visitors, about what will be in can from blog. Besides what is not and should be done.
If you have trouble creating a privacy page, can make it with privacy policy generator online.
3) Create an About About Page
Just as important as the privacy page, for this page also needs to be on the blog. If your blog is a personal blog, it means explaining about yourself and what content is covered.
Although your blog is not used to sign up for Adsense, but this page is quite important to have on the blog. So add a page about or about, in order to minimize the possibility of being denied Adsense.
Pages on not only help when registering Adsense, but also will provide trust and establish relationships with readers.
4) Create a Contact Page
Everyone has different opinions, of course also on the existing content on your blog. With this page they can easily contact you.
Whether it's not like the writing or related material that is on the blog like the picture. So you can know what the reader wants.
Create a contact page and also include the same email address with the email to sign up for Adsense. Additionally also add links pointing to your social media account.
This shows your seriousness to the Adsense in presenting content that interests visitors. So at any time visitors can contact you through the contact page.
5) Include your Name and Email in Blog
Do not forget to add your name and email address on a page that is easy to see, such as about pages and contacts.
So the Google Adsense team that checks will know if the blog is really yours, not spam. This will also speed up the process of verifying the submission to be accepted Adsense.
6) Number of Posts
Actually there is no definite provision, how many minium articles to submit accepted Adsense. Because there are some people who filed, with the number of posts more than 300 articles, but rejected. But there are also blogs that have a number of posts less than 9 even accepted.
So there is no minimum number of definite articles on the blog, but we can predict it. In order to receive adsense without rejection, create an article at least 20 posts of good quality. For each article a minimum of 600 words.
Things that should be in the post:
- Use a simple template
- Navigation is easy
- Unique theme of the article
- Complete content
- Do not use unnecessary widgets
7) Make Sure Age Is 18 Years
Usually this will be a problem for bloggers who are under the age of 18 years. Due to the submission accepted Adsense, only intended for those who are aged 18 years and over.
Make you who are 18 years and over, make sure to enter the birth date correctly, not to enter 17 years, hehe
8) Maximize Blog Design
As has been said before, the design or appearance of the blog is also important. Use a simple but professional look.
A neat template, fast loading will definitely be one of the determinants of receipt of Adsense submissions. Is not when you visit a blog, the first seen is how it looks.
Make a good first impression in the eyes of visitors, so they feel prolonged reading the article on your blog.
Here is a must-have template view:
Usually this will be a problem for bloggers who are under the age of 18 years. Due to the submission accepted Adsense, only intended for those who are aged 18 years and over.
Make you who are 18 years and over, make sure to enter the birth date correctly, not to enter 17 years, hehe
8) Maximize Blog Design
As has been said before, the design or appearance of the blog is also important. Use a simple but professional look.
A neat template, fast loading will definitely be one of the determinants of receipt of Adsense submissions. Is not when you visit a blog, the first seen is how it looks.
Make a good first impression in the eyes of visitors, so they feel prolonged reading the article on your blog.
Here is a must-have template view:
- It looks simple and looks professional
- There is an easy navigation menu available
- Eliminate useless widgets, such as on a sidebar or footer
- Loadingnya fast
- Search engine friendly
9) Content Type
Make sure the content type on your blog does not violate the Adsense policy. Because this is a very important thing to receive adsense.
Here are the content that is not allowed to be registered Adsense Click Here
10) Use Domain TLD (Top Level Domain)
Nowadays for google's policy does facilitate registration through blogspot, so it will be easily accepted. But unfortunately, the Adsense account can not be used for domains like .com, .net, or other TLD domains.
In order to be used on TLD domains, you must upgrade your adsense account. So, we suggest to sign up for Adsense, use domainTLD. This is so that the future does not need to upgrade the account, and can be directly installed in your own domain.
For the most popular domain is a domain with extension. Com, choose a domain that is short, unique, easy to remember and represent your blog niche.
For the minimum domain age is 6 months, new can be registered Adsense. Although age domain becomes one of the considerations of the Adsense, but it is sometimes not necessarily. Because there is also a blog with domain age has not been 1 month, approved Adsense.
Possible because of his quality articles, which focus on visitor satisfaction.
11) Do not Put Another Ad
If on your blog attached other ads like Chitika or Infolinks, immediately to remove it. This is to avoid unexpected things ..
Although Adsense allows to install certain ad networks such as infolinks along with Adsense ads. Better to remove all ads, before they're fully approved.
Usually get a reply few days or a few weeks, regarding the acceptance or absence of your application.
12) Check Blog Visitors Resources
For visitors coming to the blog, make sure it comes from legal sources, such as search engines or social media. Buying visitors is not recommended, because Google does not like it, if caught most likely Adsense submissions will be rejected.
What To Do If Adsense Is Denied?
After you have tried all according to the suggested instructions to get Adsense account. But still Adsense submission was rejected.
Do two things below:
1) Do not give up
Never stop trying. Take a minute to fix the problem according to the disapproved reason notified via email.
Remember one thing, if you are rejected, fix it and submit again, until accepted by Google Adsense. Use the same email account.
When I first signed up for Adsense, I was rejected once with the reason that the admin name on the blog is not the same as my name. Then I change according to my name, after two weeks get an email reply, if my application received Adsense.
2) Use Alternative Adsense Besides
There are a lot of ad networks that pay quite high, though unlike Adsense. To register it was not as difficult as the Adsense process.
Remember, one door of opportunity is closed, there must be another open door.
Here is another alternative to Adsense :
1) Infolinks
For this one PPC offers 70% for advertisers, the list process is also not too tight as Adsense. Interestingly again, Infolinks can be installed along with Adsense ads.
There are several types of ads offered, namely insearch ads, inframe ads, intag ads and intext ads. Minimum payout is $ 50, can be through PayPal, Wire Transfer, eCheck, Payoneer and Western Union.
2) BidVertiser
Another alternative is BidVertiser, will pay per click ads that appear on the blog. This ad offers ads in the form of banner, text, mobile slider and so on.
For a minimum payout is for $ 10, can be through check and PayPal.
3) Media net
For Media net itself supported by Yahoo Bing Network, so it can be a good alternative choice besides Adsense. If your blog has good quality, it will be easy enough.
For a minimum payoutnya is for $ 100, just like google Adsense. For payment method can use PayPal or wire transfer.
Can be said, registering Adense is not too difficult if the articles on your blog have good quality. With a little SEO optimization and make the appearance as comfortable as possible for visitors.
Because that's all that Google wants from bloggers. Be sure to do so before signing up for Google Adsense, because it is not too difficult to do.
But do not despair if many times still rejected, because there are alternatives other than Adsense to make money.
Lastly, do not focus too much on Adsense or PPC, as there are other business models that can be used. Like affiliate marketing and even sell your own products that are not less interesting with Adsense.
If this article useful, surely know what to do.
Do two things below:
1) Do not give up
Never stop trying. Take a minute to fix the problem according to the disapproved reason notified via email.
Remember one thing, if you are rejected, fix it and submit again, until accepted by Google Adsense. Use the same email account.
When I first signed up for Adsense, I was rejected once with the reason that the admin name on the blog is not the same as my name. Then I change according to my name, after two weeks get an email reply, if my application received Adsense.
2) Use Alternative Adsense Besides
There are a lot of ad networks that pay quite high, though unlike Adsense. To register it was not as difficult as the Adsense process.
Remember, one door of opportunity is closed, there must be another open door.
Here is another alternative to Adsense :
1) Infolinks
For this one PPC offers 70% for advertisers, the list process is also not too tight as Adsense. Interestingly again, Infolinks can be installed along with Adsense ads.
There are several types of ads offered, namely insearch ads, inframe ads, intag ads and intext ads. Minimum payout is $ 50, can be through PayPal, Wire Transfer, eCheck, Payoneer and Western Union.
2) BidVertiser
Another alternative is BidVertiser, will pay per click ads that appear on the blog. This ad offers ads in the form of banner, text, mobile slider and so on.
For a minimum payout is for $ 10, can be through check and PayPal.
3) Media net
For Media net itself supported by Yahoo Bing Network, so it can be a good alternative choice besides Adsense. If your blog has good quality, it will be easy enough.
For a minimum payoutnya is for $ 100, just like google Adsense. For payment method can use PayPal or wire transfer.
Can be said, registering Adense is not too difficult if the articles on your blog have good quality. With a little SEO optimization and make the appearance as comfortable as possible for visitors.
Because that's all that Google wants from bloggers. Be sure to do so before signing up for Google Adsense, because it is not too difficult to do.
But do not despair if many times still rejected, because there are alternatives other than Adsense to make money.
Lastly, do not focus too much on Adsense or PPC, as there are other business models that can be used. Like affiliate marketing and even sell your own products that are not less interesting with Adsense.
If this article useful, surely know what to do.
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