Tips to Make Article Adsense For filing the First Time
Tips to Make Article Adsense For filing the First Time - Until now the google is still too favoritism for prospective publishers in the territory of the country of Indonesia, many prospective publishers who just stroked the chest hold all the patience due to ombang ambingkan in the acceptance of adsense registration. I would not say that making adsense articles that fit the criteria of the google is easy, in fact it is a lot of bloggers who are mentally by receiving the news of rejection. And usually they ask themselves, what's wrong in my article?
All right, the classic question. What is still wrong with my article? so the adsense team has not been impressed and received my blog. back to the first problem, why my blog is always in reject adsense? The few tips below may be very useful. How to create adsense articles for the first time submission, so it is most likely acceptable.
Tips to Make Article Adsense For filing the First Time
1. Choosing the right blog niche for adsense
What is very important for the first time is to determine the right niche for adsense, you should use a niche that matches your interests and mastery of the article. Because the process to create an article will be easier if you know the ins and outs that you will write. Niche can be anything, but the easiest to receive adsense has several criteria include:
- Many articles provide benefits to the reader.
- Articles have the characteristics and values ​​that sell in the eyes of google.
- Articles have uniqueness and other than most articles in general.
- And can not deny, that the article should benefit the google.
2. Articles useful for readers or visitors
To create adsense articles should focus on the benefits that will be provided from the article. Make an article that explains in detail, outline and show clearly the benefits. So visitors gain new insights, new knowledge and new benefits from the article. The more articles that can provide benefits, then by itself will create a visitor traffic for your blog.
3. Articles have the characteristics and values ​​that sell in the eyes of google
In the section making adsense articles, articles or posts you post must be original (original) from your own hands, through the ideas that you pour through the article. Make an article that has a sale value in the eyes of google, do not create articles whose contents are only curhatan maddening the contents are not clear and do not have the value of benefits to the reader.
4. Articles have uniqueness and other than most articles in general
Should not ever imitate and imitate someone else's article, even if you write it with your own hands. Create your own character so that articles can be a style for you. the more unique the article, the more it will reflect you as the author.
4. Articles should benefit the google party
If we talk unilaterally, which one is more profitable? Blog writers or google parties that provide adsense ads? According to a lot of people talked about the answer is mutually beneficial. But you have to know, google is the largest advertising company in the world and menyar circulation ads that have been designed systematically.
You have to be a productive that benefits the google side, by sharing kinds of advertiser articles (advertiser) have many options to place their advertising page on one of these blogs. If you are not productive and unprofitable, the google will also look away and choose another prospective publisher which is considered more profitable.
5. Niche blog is in the calculation google at this time
The number of competition between fellow blogs that compete to make a quality article and interesting, creating many opportunities that increasingly meetings, so that sometimes we neglected the article. Try to see, how many blogs that discuss about online business? Or blogs that discuss about blog tutorial.
The number can not be counted and the possibility of us to create similar articles will have a chance to have few readers, if your blog does not have ratings, and worse yet your article is not included in the top 10 because of intense competition.
Choosing a niche blog that is a bit of a competitor is the wisest choice to create an adsense article and then submit it to the list. Because our chances or competitors will be much less, and there will be many possibilities of our articles getting attention.
You may read the article above to be made reference, how the level of competition an article to get the sympathy from the adsense, so many possible submission of your adsense registration will be approved.
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