Why Do Our Children Run to the Game World?

I received many complaints from parents whose children are crazy about playing the  game . If allowed, a day may be more than six hours. In the meantime, doing homework or studying, it's hard to ask for forgiveness.

Similarly, when it was time to leave for the lessons, the children lost their spirits. They did leave, but his passion was dim. They go only to fulfill the wishes of the parents.

Some parents associate the  game  with the performance of children in school. He said, due to too often play the  game , his children's report cards become mediocre. Probably not the worst, but definitely not the best. Not the first champion.

Not only that, parents are also anxious over eye health and obesity. Indeed, too long staring at the computer screen can have a negative impact on eye health and child movement. Therefore, many parents who forbid their children to play  games or limit it only on holidays and the number of hours is limited.

However, not a few parents who do not care. They let their children play the  game  all day. The reason, so that children do not interfere with the activities of parents who may be engrossed in watching TV, reading books or newspapers,  chatting , or work.

Rich Appreciation
Well , that's the link between the game world   with kids from the perspective of parents. However, to be  fair , I invite you briefly to see the game world   from the point of view of children.

Here is my observation. Parents, remember, games  give our children a world totally different from the real world. The game world   for our kids is very appreciative.

When our children join a  game , they are immediately greeted with great fanfare. ''Welcome. This is the hero who will liberate our nation from the grip of evil beings. '' As soon as his speech.

Then, our children are briefed about the enemies they will face. Who are they, what are their prowess, and so on. To face them, our children are also equipped with powerful weapons and other ammunition. At that young age, they are allowed to choose weapons or other equipment that suits their needs. Everything is sophisticated and very imaginative.

Travel adventurers were soon started. Our kids are getting into action. Each succeeded in conquering the opponents who were blocked along the way, they would be hailed. Even appreciated with additional weapons or more sophisticated equipment.

When it fails, our children are not punished or vilified. Instead, it is revived, told to try again, try again, and try again. Until it works.

Then, when our children beat, their appreciation is remarkable. There was a thunderous applause with a fireworks party. Our children are really flattered as heroes. They can also meet other heroes in the party of champions who show their greatness.

Real world
That's the world  of our  children's games . Very appreciative. What about the real world they face everyday?

In addition to his teacher's one-way and often obscure instructions, when the child reports that his repeat value is ugly, the parents and teachers often overreact. Our teaching culture is still very punitive. Parents are fond of rebuking. Some may be angry.

In fact, to report a bad test value, children need to generate courage. They are also anxious to face the wrath of their parents.

Different not with a game world   that knows no punishment? Instead, our children are challenged to try again. If it fails again, try again, try again, and try again. Once it continues to work.

Then, what if your child's test score is good? The value is 100? What are you doing? Some parents may praise, others just cleared a little, '' Well , good. '' But our children are observant. Although we say good words, they can feel no sincerity there. Then, in school, they are also ostracized by the average students , made threats and become a less slack child.

Again, not different from the gaming world  ? With 100 replicates, if in the game world  , maybe our children have been hailed.

That's how we grew up and raised children in a poor environment of appreciation. As a result, we become so hard to praise, but very easy to criticize. We most like to look for other people's shortcomings, but it's hard to see the advantages. Especially if someone else is our competitor.

That is our real world. Therefore, it is not surprising that now we are watching the world around us are busy arguing. Government with DPR or DPRD. Police with KPK. Judge with the prosecutor. Satpol PP with the community. All are fighting over and very childish. Although his competence is not qualified, the position is imposed on his body. Etc. Tiring.

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