How to Get Approved in Google AdSense easily 2018
Secrets of Success Accepted Full Approve Google Adsense
Hello buddy, in this article I will share the experience once the first time successfully accepted Google Adsense with Full Approve status (Fully approved). Secrets of Success Accepted Google Adsense Full Approve (Non Hosted) This is the steps I've taken after I get a Google Account Ads Full Approve (Non Hosted).
Year 2018 this is the best year in life admin. But, it is so because the new admin first apply for adsense and was immediately received in full approve (non hosted) in a period not so long, approximately 3 days.
Of course behind the success accepted by google adsense in full approve this, there is a secret that admin apply before registering. Although probably already many articles that membahasa related to how to tell, secrets, tips and tricks about accepted by google adsense full approve. But in this discussion, the admin will explain it briefly, solid clear and proven effective to be successfully accepted google adsense in full approve. Anything? Check out carefully below:
How To Get Google AdSense Aproval Fast
Before further understanding 10 Secrets of Successfully received Google Adsense Full Approve this, you'll want to know in advance at a glance about Google Adsense. Remember the saying "do not know then do not love it?" That's roughly
What is Google Adsense?
AdSense is an advertising collaboration program through internet media hosted by leading companies namely Google, Inc. Adsense is a simple free way to earn revenue by placing ads on websites or Youtube.
"Make Your Hobbies Income"
A little familiar is not it? Now let us consider the secrets and tips of success to be accepted in full approval by google adsense
1). Read the Google Adsense Terms and Conditions
As a first step, you can read Terms and Conditions listed by the google adsense to establish a healthy and mutually beneficial cooperation. Registered websites / blogs must meet these terms and conditions. For example google will refuse raw illegal blogs such as porn blogs, illegal downloads, streaming and so forth.
2). Create UMB Original Content (Unique, Interesting and Helpful)
The second step behind the secret of success received google adsense is "content" . Of course the function of a blog is to present interesting and useful content. Moreover google is very fond of articles that contain original content, complete and clear. In short, create content with the principles of UMB (Unique, Interesting and Helpful). Google will definitely love the website / blog that uses the UMB province. And make sure the article you created at least contains at least 400 words and the language used is in accordance with EYD rules.
When registering this blog, admin has a capital of 8 articles. 5 articles ori typed own results, and the rest of the rewrite. Remember yes rewrite, not Copas.
3). Avoid Taking Photos / Images from Google
This is a mistake that is often done by some bloggers, looking for a picture that fits in google then take it to complete the contents of the article. It's a good goal. However, it will be bad in the eyes of google, because the image we use it contains copyright. If forced to take pictures from google for posting materials, include the source link.
But yes sob, it would be better we make your own post image. Not necessarily good, the important picture can describe the contents of the article itself.
4). Complete Blog Navigation
The next secret is blog navigation, of course this is important considering to facilitate visitors to explore on our web. Admins often hear the reasons for google adsense rejection related to this navigation. There are ways you can do that is by completing the two navigation below:
- Static Navigation , contains static pages of websites such as: About Me, Privacy Policy, Contact Us, Disclaimer, Terms of Service. Do not forget to add a Sitemap
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Static Navigation |
- Dynamic Navigation , contains the category of posts per label. Like the following example:
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Dynamic Navigation |
5). Complete Blog Widget
Next is the blog widget. There are some wdget you must install before registering in google adsense, that is:
Popular Post, Post Label, Archive, Subscriber Box, and FB Fanspage (optional)
Also, avoid overuse of useless widgets.
6). Use Responsive and SEO Friendly Templates
As an interface point, google likes the use of responsive and seo friendly templates. Use a lightweight and minimalist template. The convenience of visitors is an important thing to watch out for. So, make sure before registering in google adsense, your site has been spared from the word 'LoLa alias Loading Lama'
7). Use Domain TLD (Top Level Domain)
When signing up using a subdomain. blogspot com, if in approve we will be accepted with hosted status, meaning adsense hosted account can not be used to display ads on other websites.
To be accepted google adsense in full approve or in other words non hosted, we need to use domain TLD (Top Level Domain) like .com, .net, .id and so forth when registering. Use of this TLD domain also adds a plus in the eyes of google because TLD domain look more professional.
8). Submit Website / Blog in Google Search Console
Maybe this sounds familiar to tips received google adsense, but there is no harm in registering your site / blog in Google Search Console. In addition to get a plus in the eyes of google, enrollment in Google Search Console makes it easier for articles that you create quickly indexed in search engines.
9). Visitor? Blog Age?
What about the minimal visitor but still want to register adsense? This is not a major consideration of google. As proof, when admin register this blog to adsense, admin only have visitor about 20 per day. Miris is not it? Hehehe but just calm sob, related visitors is not one of the main considerations google kok.Lalu how about the Age blog? In some countries Google may require that blogs registered at least 6 months old. But, the proof of admin register this blog when still 2 weeks old and the results are accepted Alhamdulillah. So, that's not a binding requirement. If you can not register via Dashboard Blogger, you can register directly on Adsense site .
10). Praying is Also Important from Business
The last secret of the successful admin received in google adsense in full approve that is PRAY. No effort is even without a prayer. So do not forget to pray too ya sob.
Here admin create a special table for you all. As a reference target reached the success received Google Adsense full approve. This version of the admin yes, if not agree not to protest.
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