Best Browser 2017/2018 For Android Smartphone

Best Browser 2017/2018 For Android Smartphone - One of the applications that you should have on android smartphone in this modern era is the best browser 2017/2018. Because we can be sure the use of android smartphone can not be separated from browsing to find various kinds of information from many sites that can be used as a reference. Therefore, in order to get comfort, you must have the best browser.

List of Best Browsers 2017/2018
There are various browsers that you can choose with different features as well of course. There are advantages with the size of the application is lightweight, fast, and even battery saving. All that you can adjust to your needs.
1) Google Chrome

The best browser 2017/2018 highly recommended is google chrome. The advantage is its light size so as not to burden the smartphone. Moreover, google chrome browser is the browser results from the company android developer is google.

Unlike most people think that google chrome is a browser that uses a lot of space in RAM when used on a laptop or PC. Because at the time used a smartphone, this browser is the fastest, best and also the most light.

The disadvantage is google chrome is usually often make HP hangs or wasteful battery life when used in android smartphone with low specifications. Chrome is more recommended for android smartphone with high specification let alone added history features, cookies and can store passwords that you store in it. 

2) Mozilla Firefox

Mozzila firefox is also highly recommended because it has been equipped with a synchronization feature so you do not have to bother. Saved passwords, history, cookies and tabs that you've opened using PCs and laptops can be opened on your smartphone.

Unfortunately this firefox is considered wasteful battery and also the quota because of the features of reading mode, add on, web notification and others that incriminate your smartphone performance.
3) UC Browser
For those of you who have smartphones with medium specifications down and want a practical and lightweight browser, the best solution is to use uc browser. Because this browser has a full feature, lightweight and also fast, although with a minimalist appearance only.

Now you select the best browser 2017/2018 which you want to rely on your android smartphone. It all depends on the comfort and convenience you want to get in it.

4) Opera Mini
Opera Mini has the function of saving the data packet is complete enough. You can see how many quota have been used from the summary of data you use with this application. Opera Mini has a delay function when it is downloading which is set automatically, this download delay will run when the file you download is very large with less good network conditions. you need to know, that this browser has a night mode which when activated will dim your monitor screen. This model is useful so you can add comfortable reading in low light conditions and save battery power.

5) CM Browser

CM BrowserClean Master Browser or known as CM Browser is an android browser application that offers maximum speed. With a small file size, this browser can maximize site crawls to lighter and faster acceleration. CM Browser has some protection that you can enjoy like a warning system  that will be active when entering on the type of website that beraktsun fraud (Fake Web). Protection from malware is also applied to this browser to secure your device from a variety of harmful viruses.

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